McClintock, TK & Bigrigg, L., LaCamera, D. 2022. Observations on the conservation of Chinese export wallcoverings as both Western & East Asian works, Journal of the Institute of Conservation, DOI: 10.1080/19455224.2022.2068633
McClintock, TK & Bigrigg, L., LaCamera, D. 2020. The Japanese and Chinese Paintings at Taliesin: Their Display and Conservation, Studies in Conservation, 65:sup1:213-220.
LaCamera, D. 2019. Looking Back: 20 Years in the Conservation of Works of Art on Paper, Dedalus Foundation, New York, NY.
LaCamera, D. & L. Bigrigg, 2019. Historic Wallpaper Conservation at the Elihu Akin House, Dartmouth Heritage Preservation Trust, Dartmouth, MA.
Edney, M. & LaCamera, D., Neikirk, D., McClintock, T.K., Bigrigg, L., Fowler, I. 2019. Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Smith Collection of Globes for Preservation and Access, American Institute for Conservation Annual Meeting, Uncasville, CT.
Bigrigg, L., LaCamera, D., McClintock, T.K., 2018. Caring for Your Historic Globe Collection, Connecting to Collections Care Webinar, May. Archived on-line at
Bigrigg, L., LaCamera, D. 2017.Conserving Beauty on a Grand Scale; Recent Wallpaper Projects at Studio TKM Associates, Massachusetts. The Gladstone Forum: An Evening of Innovation in Paper Conservation, Toronto.
LaCamera, D., Bigrigg, L. McClintock, T.K., 2017. Fragile Paper, Monumental Scale: The Preservation of Chinese Export Wallpapers at Rough Point, Newport, Rhode Island, Presented at the New England Conservation Association Biennial Meeting, Newport, Rhode Island.
Bigrigg, L., LaCamera, D. 2017. Revisiting the treatment of a pair of Malby Globes at the Mariott Library, University of Utah. Western Association for Art Conservation Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City.
McClintock, T.K., Bigrigg, L., and LaCamera, D. 2017. An overview of overlapping interests in East Asian and Western conservation, Adapt & Evolve 2015: East Asian Materials and Techniques in Western Conservation. Proceedings from the International Conference of the Icon Book & Paper Group, London 8–10 April 2015. London: The Institute of Conservation.
McClintock, T.K., Bigrigg, L., La Camera, D. 2017. Flouting Convention: The Integration of Asian Paintings at Taliesin and their Conservation, Presented at the American Institute for Conservation Annual Meeting, Chicago.
McClintock, T.K. 2016. Chinese export wallcoverings: their conservation as Western and Asian works, Chinese Wallpaper: Trade, Technique and Taste, London: National Trust/Victoria and Albert Museum.
McClintock, T.K., Bigrigg, L., La Camera, D. 2015. Case Study: Conservation and Restoration of a Pair of Large Diameter English Globes. The Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 38:1.
McClintock, T.K. 2014. The Conservation of Juanqinzhai: a Prototype for Architectural Interiors in the Forbidden City. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. 53:2.
McClintock, T.K. 2014. The Conservation of Japanese Screens in Western Interiors, James M. Shea Lecture, Longfellow House – Washington’s Headquarters National Historic Site, Cambridge,.
McClintock, T.K. 2011. If These Walls Could Talk: Examining Historic Decorative Finishes at the Aiken-Rhett House. Association for Preservation Technology International, Charleston.
McClintock, T.K. 2009. Rebuilding the Fragments of a Dream: The Conservation of Juanqinzhai, with John Stubbs, 21st. George L. Stout Memorial Conservation Lecture, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston..
McClintock, T.K. 2008. Observations on the Mutual Influence of Asian and Western Paper Conservation Practices, American Institute for Conservation, Book and Paper Specialty Group, Providence, Rhode Island, 2006. Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 26 2006. Washington.
La Camera, D. 2007. Crystal Formations within Iron Gall Ink: Observations and Analysis. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. 46.2: 153-174.
La Camera, D. 2006. Crystal Formations in Iron Gall Ink: Observations & Analysis. In Pre-Conference Proceedings: Second Iron Gall Ink Meeting. Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Northumbria.
La Camera, D. 2004. An Investigation into the Prevalence & Chemistry of Crystal Formations on the Surface of Iron Gall Ink: The Preliminary Results. Book & Paper Group Annual. 23: 75-86.
Bigrigg, L., McClintock, T.K. 2003. Compensating for Losses in Historic Wallpapers, Image Re-Integration Conference. Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Northumbria.
La Camera, D., and K. Nichols. 2003. Technical Glossary. Rembrandt’s Journey: Draughtsman • Painter • Printmaker, edited by Clifford Ackley, Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
Carton, D. 2002. Armorial Bearings Held by Two Putti, cat. entry, Painted Prints: The Revelation of Color in Northern Renaissance and Baroque Engravings, Etchings & Woodcuts, edited by Susan Dackerman, Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art.
McClintock, T.K. 2002. Case Studies on the Effect of Conservation on the Appearance of Historic Wallpapers. Restaurator. 23:3.
Carton, D., and B. Yeh. 2001. Invoking the Past: John Taylor Arms’ Use of Antique Papers. Looking at Paper: Evidence & Interpretation, Symposium Proceedings, Toronto 1999, edited by John Slavin et al., Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute.
McClintock, T.K. 2000. The Effects of Conservation on the Appearance of Historic Wallpapers, The Conservation of Historic Interiors, Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute.
McClintock, T.K. 1999. Conservation of Historic Wallpapers - A Case Study of Three French Scenic Wallpapers at Prestwould, Virginia, La Conservation des Papiers Peints In Situ, , Rixheim, France: Musee du Papier Peint.
McClintock, T.K. 1998. Wallpapers, Caring for Your Historic House, Washington: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property.
McClintock, T.K. and P. Meredith 1998. Conservation of Chinese Export Wallpaintings at Huis ten Bosch, , London: Institute of Paper Conservation.
McClintock, T.K. 1997. Observations on Compensation in the Restoration of Works on Paper, American Institute for Conservation, General Session, San Diego, California’
McClintock, T.K. 1995. Observations on the Conservation of Historic Wallpapers, American Institute for Conservation, Architecture Specialty Group, St. Paul, Minnesota.
McClintock, T.K. 1995. The Treatment of Large Format Works on Paper, International Council of Museums Committee for Conservation, Graphic Documents Group, Amsterdam.
McClintock, T.K. 1994. The Objectives of Historic Wallpaper Conservation, Symposium on Historic Wallpapers in conjunction with the exhibition Décors de l'Imaginaire Papiers Peints Panoramiques 1790-1865, Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Paris.
McClintock, T.K. 1992. Observations on Developments in the Treatment of Works on Paper, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. 31:1.
Bigrigg, L. 1990. Wallpaper Conservation at the Jeramiah Lee Mansion, Marblehead, Massachusetts. New
England Conservation Association Meeting, Northeast Document Conservation Center, Andover, MA.